Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Robert Frost's Hw: 2/17

How does one prepare for an in class essay question?

1. Think of all the themes/big ideas in the book
2. Who are the characters? What do they symbolize
3. Read over the notes taken in class
4. Draw a timeline of the events occurred in the story (especially for the book we are reading now)
5. Rethink the main ideas in each chapter
6. Anticipate the question
7. Don't study on the last night

What is the difference between writing a long-term, formal essay and a timed, in-class essay

One difference between the two is that question for the in-class will be either very obvious or a somewhat easy question. In addition, you should not use quotes in your in-class essay because it would take the whole period to find them. Another thing is that a long-term essay will be neatly oraganized. An in-clase will be sloppy and unoraginized. The last thing, is that for a long-term paper you have days to create your thesis but in an in-clase essay you either know the answer or you don't.

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