Wednesday, February 17, 2010

In Class vs. Long Term Essay

One has to review their notes and remember the main ideas and themes of each chapter. In each chapter there is a person that plays a major role in the chapter. The person have a problem, he (or she) may have a conflict with another character, or is involved with a major turning point in a book. All these things should be known. Last but not least you should guess what the question would be and practice, because practice makes perfect.

The difference between writing a long-term, formal essay and a timed, in-class essay is that when it is long term you can submit drafts and look back in the book to take quotes. A major factor is also that you only have forty odd some minutes for an in class essay so there is quite a bit more pressure then writing a long term, formal essay which is expected to be better because you have more time.

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