Friday, February 19, 2010
The In Class Writing Steps of James Baldwin
2. In a long term essay the writer has more time to correct and polish up his work. This allows a much more quality paper to be produced. The student may also be able to get help on his paper. Also Ms. Cohen may grade harder on a long term project because you have more time to do it and the ability to get feed back.
During an in class essay it requires a high amount of concentration. One must be well prepared to make a strong clear argument that gives a direct answer to the question. Unfortunately the writer will not have the time to find many quotes and break them down so the student must make sure his argument is strong. An in class essay cannot possibly be perfect but it is in your best interest to proof read if possible.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
What does TW’s dog symbolize?
Is it right to be forced to risk one’s life for one’s country?
Vladimir Nabokov's essay differences
Arthur Miller's Fish Bowl Question
Charles Dickens In Class Essay
There are many differences between a long-term writing assignment and an in-class essay. Most importantly, a student cannot linger or waste precious time. If one wastes precious time, then the student is likely to end up with a short paper at the end of the period which doesn't make any sense. Another way a long-term assignment is different than a short term assignment is that one cannot come ill-prepared to class. If one didn't study for the essay then he will likely fail it. Over a long term essay, the student is not forced to study because at the time that the paper is being typed and all notes are in front of you including a book. There is also a lot of time that can be wasted and lingered if one is not prepared at that time. It is much easier to write a formal essay because there is no time rush and there is no intense studying that needs to be done.
Percy Shelley
The difference between an in-class essay and a long-term one is that a long-term essay has more time available to reread and correct. A long-term essay should be clear and should use evidence from the book. You should quickly prepare an outline for an in-class essay because you need it to organize the whole paper.
Friday Fishbowl Questions
Fishbowl Questions
Is the Vietnam War a negative or a positive experience for Tobias Wolff?
John Keats
In-Class Essays compose of these steps:
1: write a thesis and an introduction
2: write a simple topic sentence for each paragrapg
3: write only three body papagraphs
4: Skim over work for possible spelling or gramatical errors, but probably not any errors with analysizing
5: Write a conlusion only if you have enough time
For a long-term essay the steps are similar but require a lot more work. These steps are as follows:
1: Write an introduction that goes from broad to specific
2: Write an extremely well thought out umbrella thesis statement
3: Think of your topic sentences, at least three and at most five
4: write clear introductions to the paragraphs that can set up a clear change into a quotation
5: Find direct quotations from the text
6: Bold the words that are most important in the quotation
7: Analyze the bolded words and connect it to outside sources and other places in the book.
8: Write a clear five sentence conclusion that sums up the whole paper and partly repeats the introduction
The general format of an in-class essay and a long-term essay are similar. They both must analyze a text. Long-term, although, should be revised many times, have direct quotes, and must have clear and well-thought out thesis statements and topic sentences. The in-class essay should have similar analysis, just with less information and less revised.
Difference between an in-class essay and a formal essay
2. The difference between an in-class essay and a long term essay is the amount of time allotted. When writing an in-class essay, one must be able to get his idea and the facts to support it for his thesis statement as soon as possible while a student doing a long-term essay can spend hours getting the best possible idea he can produce. Once the student has his idea for his in-class essay, he should have a quick outline of what is going to be mentioned in each paragraph. A student writing a long term essay has the ability to write a large outline with bloc quotatoins and complete sentences. Also the student writing the in-class essay does not have time to take a break or refresh his mind, while the person writing the long term essay does. The in-class essay will also have many errors and mistakes, because the student writing it has little or no time to check them. In conclusion, a student writing a long term essay will have a well written and thorough essay, while a student writing an in-class essay will have a messy, shorter essay that will not show his best idea that he can produce.
Ernest Hemingway
One prepares for an in class assignment by collecting all of their notes and making sure they get any notes from a friend that they don’t have. Somebody also must use discussion questions from Fishbowl Friday’s. Also, you should read any passages or quotes read from the book during class discussions. Lastly, one must look at the most common themes talked about in class and guess what questions that you think are most likely to be asked.
The difference between an in-class essay and a long-term one is that a long term one should usually be longer than a time in-class one. A long term one should be more thorough and use for evidence from the book unless a book is allowed to be used during the in-class essay. Also, you should have an outline in your head when you go into writing a paper in-class and prepare it quickly. A long term essay allots you more time to think about how to organize and explain your thoughts.
difference between formal essay and in class
To prepare for an in class writing assignment you should get your facts straight to be able to write a factual essay. Remember themes characters and challenges that arise during the chapter. There is a difference in writing a formal essay and a timed one during class. For on in a timed one you will not be able to write as much as a formal essay. You will not have your notes to refer to while writing the essay, and you will not have enough time to write a 5 paragraph essay.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
2/18/10 Homework by Sherwood Anderson
The difference between a long-term essay and an in-class essay is that a student is rushed with an in-class essay, but a teacher is more lenient when grading an in-class essay. Students are more rushed with an n in-class essay because they only have fifty minutes to write the essay. When writing a long-term essay the student is able to use a precision of language and choose between various topic sentences. Even though a long-term essay is less stressful, the teacher will grade an in-class essay more leniently.
in class essay vs. long term essay
1. Collect all of ones notes and review from it
2. Review the fishbowl Friday questions and practice with those
3. Review all of the quotations we read over in class
4. Draw a time line in order to understand the plot
5. Practice on paraphrasing
6. Take down good notes
7. Look for things that symbolizes stuff in the book
8. Don’t wait until last minute
What is the difference between writing a long-term, formal essay and a timed, in-class essay?
A long-term formal essay should be better. It should have better word choices, less mistakes, and better in quality. This is because people are given more time to write a long term paper. A long term paper goes through a process. First it’s an outline, then a draft and finally the final version. Because it goes through three phases, it should be better in quality. A timed, in class essay, doesn’t go through all those phases. It is done in less time so it isn’t as good in quality, the best quotes aren’t chosen and it is a lot shorter in length.
In Class Writing, Paul Muldoon
1. When reviewing for a test, one would go over notes, quizzes and the text or a primary source. If you are smart you underlined and wrote some summaries at the top of the page so you wouldn’t have to read each page or quickly review the whole book and miss important details. Gather important points and lessons learned in each chapter and then start trying to write your own questions. When looking back at the book during the essay your notes should be precise and to the main point.
2. The advantage with a long term essay is that it will be easier to include more than the obvious and get to deeper details. With an in class essay if you know all the material it is much harder to write all that down and then still answer the question with the point. It can get very chaotic and unorganized if writing something with a lot of supporting evidence. In the long term it is a lot easier to reorganize it later and get all of your thoughts on paper.
Arthur Miller's view on in class writing
In-Class vs. Long-Term
I think one prepares for an in-class writing assignment by trying to predict possible essay questions. If a student reviews his notes, especially the questions asked and answered in each day's discussions, themes will emerge. Chances are that the essay question will be connected to one of the themes. Another way to study is to make a list of important events and then try to figure out which ones go together. For example, in IPA, going to get the TV connects to going to get the China bowl. In both cases, men take risks for seemingly unimportant material things. Another possible connection is when TW allows the destruction of the village for a petty reason. An essay question that links all of these together might be, "When is war most dangerous?"
2. What is the difference between writing a long-term, formal essay and a timed, in-class essay?
A long-term, formal essay requires careful planning and following a step-by-step process. A student can work slowly and carefully. Usually it also involves being able to get feedback at many steps along the way. A student can always ask for extra help on a long-term essay. The expectations are very high for a long-term essay because the student has so much support as he writes. Two important parts of a long-term essay are textual evidence and word-by-word analysis.
An in-class essay requires careful preparation, but when it comes right down to it, writing in-class is about making a strong, clear argument and worrying less about beautiful prose. A student has to work quickly and independently. While the expectations are still high, the writing on an in class essay does not have to be perfect. Instead of quotations, a student has to use specific examples to support his ideas.
In both cases, the most important thing is for the student to have read and understood the book.
Robert Frost's Hw: 2/17
E.M. Forster home, school essay comparisant
Thomas Hardy's ideas about essays
Preparing for Different Kinds of Essays
There are many different ways to prepare for an in-class essay. One way is to look over past notes from class, which can help to refresh your memory and clarify questions or any confusion. Another way to prepare for an in-class essay is to read over and use Spark Notes. However, it is better to think of your own ideas than to use someone else's ideas. A third way to prepare for an in-class essay is to look at your margin notes, that are kept inside your book. You can also come up with a list of possible ideas for the essay question, which will make you chock full of thoughts. One more way to prepare for an in-class essay is to watch a movie based on the book in question and see if this enlightens you on other points that you have overlooked before. All of these ideas are ways to help you prepare for an in-class essay and are useful to help you excel with your writing.
Long term essays are very different from short term essays. For starters you have time to research the topic of the essay. During a long term essay one has time to turn in a draft and receive feed back from a teacher. Also, you have time to add the teachers comments and corrections into your essay. In a long term essay you can proofread and make corrections to the paper. When writing a long term essay you have time to go through the book and collect quotes that help support your ideas. Finally in a long term writing assignment you have much more time to write and clarify ideas in the paper.
Short term and long term essays have many differences. In a short term essay you are under a lot of stress and a time limit so it is harder to clarify what you are trying to say. Secondly, in a short term essay there is no rough draft, so there isn't any feedback to revise the paper. When you are writing a short term essay you don't have time to collect quotes from the book that will support your ideas. Although they are both essays short term seem to be more difficult to execute because of time constraints and lack of revision
Mark Twain's How to Prepare for an In-Class Paper
- Take careful notes of each class before hand so that you know what the teacher is expecting. If you don't have the notes from a certain class, ask a friend for a copy.
- Practice writing the paper at home so that you what you're writing beforehand, and not wasting time when writing the real thing. Create an outline.
- While writing, keep track of your time so that not too much of it is spent on one paragraph.
- Re-read underlined that you and the teacher find important in the book to find specific examples to support your thesis statement.
Robert Browning
In Class vs. Long Term Essay
The difference between writing a long-term, formal essay and a timed, in-class essay is that when it is long term you can submit drafts and look back in the book to take quotes. A major factor is also that you only have forty odd some minutes for an in class essay so there is quite a bit more pressure then writing a long term, formal essay which is expected to be better because you have more time.
in class essay
Writing a longterm essay is much more stressful, but more proper. It is much more detailed and complete. An inclass essay is much more messy. An inclass essay is much rushed, more like a draft.
In-Class Essay Writing
Please answer the following two questions about how writing an in-class essay differs from writing a long-term paper.
1. How does one prepare for an in-class writing assignment?
2. What is the difference between writing a long-term, formal essay and a timed, in-class essay?
Take a risk,
Ms. C.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Fishbowl Fridays
As I mentioned today in class, I want you to have access to our three sets of Fishbowl Friday discussion questions. You'll be writing an in-class essay next week, and these questions will help you prepare.
1. Was the trip to get the TV worth it?
2. Why does TW let his ship depart for the Azores without him?
Read the question carefully.
3. What does “wear[ing] the uniform” mean to TW? How does it connect to his feelings and experiences with his father?
4. Should TW have contacted Hugh about Yancy’s baby? Why doesn’t he? (Go beyond the obvious answers.)
5. What is Vera’s attraction for TW?
6. Would you want TW on your platoon?
1. How does TW feel about his father? (This is a deceptively simple-seeming, tricky question. Treat it as such.)
2. What is/are the “federal offense[s]” that give this chapter its title? (Same situation as question 1. If you think this is an easy question, you are not correct.)
3. There are two fathers and two sons in this chapter, the Wolffs and the Hoffmans. Who is a better father to his son? Who is a better son to his father? This question is just plain hard.
4. Why has it taken this long for TW to realize he would be, “taking this last step” (128) and going to Vietnam? It’s not like the army kept their destination a secret…
1. The chapter title asserts, “I Right A Wrong.” What “wrong” would TW like to “right”? Why can’t he do it?
2. In what ways is Sergeant Benet TW’s foil? (Do you remember this literary term?)
3. Who is more to blame for the destruction caused by the Chinook, TW or Captain Kale? What motivates each man?
4. What does Canh Cho, his life and his death, symbolize?
5. What is Wolff’s last “close call” in Vietnam? Who is his enemy?