Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mark Twain's: The Tone of the Winter Session

The tone of the Winter session is very different from the tone of the Summer's Session. During the Winter Session, things seem to return to how they were before, and the preppy prep school feeling returns. Obedience is one of the things expected of the students. For Gene, there is empty feeling and a constant nagging fear, mainly caused by Finny. Finny ran Gene's life for him and he is kind of lost without him. Gene is terrified though that someone will discover the truth and he will have to come to terms with the fact that Finny getting hurt was his fault. This can be proved by using Brinker's exchange with Gene in the Butt Room. Obviously, Gene "Almost completely loses control," because Brinker is so close to the truth, which is also why he had to make fun of the little kid, which connects to my earlier point of the preppy prep school feeling creeping back into the boys daily lives. That, I believe is the tone of the Winter Session.

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